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Skill-Building Boot Camp
Experiential Learning Activities That Prepare and Motivate Students

     Boot Camp is an interactive skill-building program where students practice the skills required to succeed in school. At boot camp students complete a variety of hands-on experiential learning activities that focus on five skills: teamwork, communication, organization, reading, and problem solving. Each activity is designed with a specific learning objective that has a practical application in the classroom. 

     This digital resource explains how to create your own boot camp and includes over 30 experiential learning activities that you can run with your students. It has links to videos with detailed instructions about how to run and debrief each activity. Most importantly, each video has footage of me working with my students so you can see what it looks like in practice. As a bonus, this booklet explains how to play ten different games that will get your students laughing and build a sense of community.

Click HERE to watch sample videos. 

     Once you place your order you will receive an e-mail with a download link. Please do not post the PDF online, make copies, or distribute it to other teachers or schools. For larger bulk orders please e-mail I guarantee that that you and your students will love boot camp!

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